Helping People Release Finances and Gain from Their Surplus Land Around the Region
There are many homeowners and landowners that have land, be it a garden or a field that is surplus to their needs. It just sits there, which is fine. However, for those that would rather capitalise on it and gain some financial benefit there’s The Little Land Company.
By drawing on decades of experience, both professional and personal, using our local knowledge and understanding and working with our network of local contacts we are, very often, able to achieve planning uplift on your surplus land.
Importantly, once agreed, all the work toward securing the uplift is completed by us on a no gain, no fee basis.
You see, we lead a team of professional architects and planning consultants that understand, and regularly work with, the local idiosyncrasies that are found in all areas, to develop designs and plans that are in keeping with your needs and your local settings.
The Little Land Company was founded with the express purpose of helping you if you have ever considered an application to secure planning permission on your own land, or land that you are responsible for. It may be that you’ve considered it however you don’t have the funds, the time, the know how or the energy to make it a reality that you can benefit from.
It may even be that you have already tried to obtain planning permission and met with refusal. There be solutions we can suggest after we’ve reviewed your specific situation, refusals can often be on technicalities and, as we’ve been involved with property for so many years we can often change the previous outcome.
From our perspective, we work with people who just need specialist help to achieve a planning outcome. Once we understand what you’d ideally like to achieve and have completed initial reviews, it’s then about agreeing a way forward with complete transparency – a critical element in our business plan. Which is why we work on a ‘no gain, no fee’ basis. It is only if you have an excellent gain that our business works, so it’s in both our interests.
This is what we’re very good at, I know that’s ‘blowing our own trumpet’ but we’re not a massive conglomerate, we’re The Little Land Company and we’ve been exactly where you are. So why not get in touch, we’ll be pleased to discuss your land with you and give you some straightforward feedback on your options.
Visit The Little Land Company Website
A Bit About Tasha and Karen
We are Tasha & Karen Darrington and we wanted to escape the rat race and have more control over our direction in life.
Coming from corporate project management and IT backgrounds, we decided as a couple 15 years ago to become property traders and landlords.
Fast forward to now and we find ourselves as published authors, accredited landlords, successful property traders and most recently, developers.
Using our complementary skills, shared experience and professional contacts, not long after our son was born, so was The Little Land Company.
We work with homeowners who have surplus land, usually but not always, part of their garden, to gain planning uplift and share the profit. It’s a win-win situation for everyone and requires no financial input from the land owner.
When we’re not working, we both enjoy playing hockey, water sports and being outdoors with family and friends.